--Art Installation Script for Roblox
--Art Installation Script for Roblox
Updated: 5/19/2023
This module is called: artInstallationRoom and is stored in ReplicatedStorage
This module will create a space for a virtual art exhibit to be used with genericSpapes
local artRoom = {}
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local s = require(ReplicatedStorage.genericShapes)
local defaultRoomWidth, defaultRoomLength = 75, 75
-- Get and set the default room width and length
function artRoom.setWidth(w) defaultRoomWidth = w end
function artRoom.setLength(l) defaultRoomLength = l end
function artRoom.getWidth() return defaultRoomWidth end
function artRoom.getLength() return defaultRoomLength end
function artRoom.new(arguments)
local roomStruct = {
position = nil,
roomVolume = nil,
movedByVector = nil, -- Used to keep track of where the room has been shifted to. Updated in the .reposition() function.
region = nil,
floorMaterial = Enum.Material.Marble,
floorColor = Color3.new(1, 1, 1),
floorPart = nil,
floorCenter = nil,
ceilingMaterial = Enum.Material.Plastic,
ceilingColor = Color3.new(0, 0, 0),
ceilingOpacity = 1, -- was 1
ceilingLights = {},
ceilingLightLevel = 400, -- was 400
ceilingPart = nil,
wallMaterial = Enum.Material.Plastic,
wallColor = Color3.new(1, 1, 1),
isInTheRoom = false,
center = nil
-- Examine for any passed parameters to change the room characteristics
-- print("creating new room")
-- Render the room now
roomStruct.size = Vector3.new(roomStruct.width, roomStruct.height, roomStruct.length)
-- Floor
local x = 0 -- This will center the floor panel on x=0
local z = -1*(roomStruct.length/2)-10
roomStruct.floorPart = s.panel({x=x, y=0, z=z, width=roomStruct.width, length=1, height=roomStruct.length, material=roomStruct.floorMaterial, color=roomStruct.floorColor, rotateBy=Vector3.new(0, 90, 0)})
roomStruct.floorCenter = Vector3.new(x, 0, z)
roomStruct.center = Vector3.new(x, roomStruct.height/2, z)
-- print(typeof(roomStruct.floorPart.Position))
-- Walls
-- wall are not constructed here. They are constructed by the maze program??
-- Ceiling
roomStruct.ceilingPart = s.panel(x, roomStruct.height, -1*(roomStruct.length/2)-10, roomStruct.width, 0.2, roomStruct.length, roomStruct.ceilingMaterial, roomStruct.ceilingColor)
s.opacity(roomStruct.ceilingPart, roomStruct.ceilingOpacity)
-- Lighting
roomStruct.ceilingLights = {
s.lightSource(x-roomStruct.width/4, roomStruct.height-5, (-1*(roomStruct.length/2))-(roomStruct.length/4)-10, roomStruct.width/12, 0.2, roomStruct.length/12),
s.lightSource(x-roomStruct.width/4, roomStruct.height-5, (-1*(roomStruct.length/2))+(roomStruct.length/4)-10, roomStruct.width/12, 0.2, roomStruct.length/12),
s.lightSource(x+roomStruct.width/4, roomStruct.height-5, (-1*(roomStruct.length/2))-(roomStruct.length/4)-10, roomStruct.width/12, 0.2, roomStruct.length/12),
s.lightSource(x+roomStruct.width/4, roomStruct.height-5, (-1*(roomStruct.length/2))+(roomStruct.length/4)-10, roomStruct.width/12, 0.2, roomStruct.length/12)
return roomStruct
function artRoom.repositionTheArt(exhibitRoom)
-- print("Moving the art")
-- Re-position art work
for i = 1, #exhibitRoom.parts do exhibitRoom.parts[i].Position += exhibitRoom.room.movedByVector end
function artRoom.reposition(exhibitRoom, x, z)
-- print(`Moving the room to: {x}, {z}`)
exhibitRoom.room.movedByVector = Vector3.new(x-exhibitRoom.room.size.x/2, 0, z-exhibitRoom.room.size.z/2)
-- Re-position floor and ceiling
exhibitRoom.room.floorPart.Position += exhibitRoom.room.movedByVector
exhibitRoom.room.ceilingPart.Position += exhibitRoom.room.movedByVector
exhibitRoom.room.floorCenter += exhibitRoom.room.movedByVector
exhibitRoom.room.center += exhibitRoom.room.movedByVector
for i = 1, #exhibitRoom.room.ceilingLights do
exhibitRoom.room.ceilingLights[i].Position += exhibitRoom.room.movedByVector
exhibitRoom.room.position = exhibitRoom.room.movedByVector
-- Re-position art work
for i = 1, #exhibitRoom.parts do
exhibitRoom.parts[i].Position += exhibitRoom.room.movedByVector
-- print(typeof(exhibitRoom.room.floorPart.Position))
-- Generate the region
local newRoomCenter = exhibitRoom.room.floorPart.Position
exhibitRoom.room.region = Region3.new(newRoomCenter - (exhibitRoom.room.size/2), newRoomCenter + (exhibitRoom.room.size/2))
function artRoom.destroy(partsList)
print("Destroying room")
for i = 1, #partsList do
function artRoom.isInRoom(vector, region) -- (human, room)
-- validate input
assert(typeof(vector) == "Vector3")
assert(typeof(region) == "Region3")
-- get the dimensions of the region
local regionCenter = region.CFrame.Position
local regionHalfSize = region.Size * 0.5
-- calculate the extents of the region
local lowerLeftCorner = regionCenter - regionHalfSize
local upperRightCorner = regionCenter + regionHalfSize
-- check if the vector is inside the extents
local isBeyondLeftCorner = (vector.X >= lowerLeftCorner.X) and
(vector.Y >= lowerLeftCorner.Y) and
(vector.Z >= lowerLeftCorner.Z)
local isBeforeRightCorner = (vector.X <= upperRightCorner.X) and
(vector.Y <= upperRightCorner.Y) and
(vector.Z <= upperRightCorner.Z)
return isBeyondLeftCorner and isBeforeRightCorner
-- NOTE : comparing individual values above is less expensive than
-- return vector.Magnitude >= lowerLeftCorner.Magnitude and
-- vector.Magnitude <= upperRightCorner.Magnitude
return artRoom