Fall 2014 Challenge: World Class Learning Unleashed


FLL World Class Challenge Document 1 (./documents/FLL_World_Class_Challenge.pdf)
You have probably learned so many things in your life that it is hard to count them. You started learning as soon as you were born. You learned to walk, tie your shoes, and how to read this Challenge. You might have learned to dance, paint, or play an instrument. You might even have learned how to kick a soccer ball at the perfect angle to score a goal.

There is so much to learn, but people do not all learn the same way. Just like there is more than one way to build your robot, there is more than one way to learn most things. We call these different ways of learning "learning styles." Most people learn through some combination of watching, listening, reading, writing, moving, and even playing. Do you have a favorite way to learn new knowledge or skills?

Some learning tools or techniques might make learning more exciting, while others help you remember the information for a longer time.
Your Project mission this season is to find a better or more innovative way to help someone learn.