RoboCatz Website

May Madness 2017 (
May Madness 2017 rules and description Includes a:

Image of the Game Board (./documents/FLL2016_GameBoardImage.png)
This is an image of the 2016 Game board with mission models

Field Setup Guide (./documents/FLL-Animal-Allies-Field-Setup-Guide.pdf)
This is a PDF of the 2016 Field Setup

Challenges Guide (./documents/Animal-Allies-Challenge-Guide.pdf)
This is a PDF of the 2016 Animal Allies Challenges Guide

Missions at a Glance (./documents/FLL2016_MissionsAtAGlance.png)
This is a PDF of the 2016 Animal Allies Missions


For the 2016 season, you will need to enroll your child onto the team through a web-based system.

Create an account at:

Computer Art-- the Visual Expression of Algorithms

Computer Art

Robot Simulator

Joystick Programming (exercise-joystick-programming.htm)
This is an exercise in programming the joystick used in the May Madness competition.

Line Following Exercise (exercise-in-line-following.htm)
This is an exercise in Line Following with many examples of robotC code.

Function Overloading Exercise (exercise-in-function-overloading.htm)
This is an exercise in Function Overloading and Multi Threaded programming with many examples of robotC code.

VEX IQ Challenge 2015-2016

May Madness 2016 (Saturday May 7th)

To be held at the Sarah Heinz House on the Northside. (

The robotics tournament for May 2015 is going to be based on the VEX IQ Challenge called: High Rise. This challenge involves stacking as many blocks as possible within a 60 second time period.

There are going to be several different types of competitions. Some involve just a single team at a time while others involve multiple teams working cooperatively.

The competitions that involve multiple teams working cooperatively utilize robots under the control of "handlers" who use hand-held game controllers to control the robot. We will be competing in the cooperative challenges. I have joysticks that operate the robots using Bluetooth communication.

We will also compete in the autonomous robot challenges where the robot simply follows the programming that was written.

Please review the videos below to get an idea of the challenges that we will participate in.

Fall 2015 First Lego League Season: Trash Trek

Our season will focus on robots that talk -- about trash. We will have talking robots.

Text to Speech

Data Mining

FLL Theme for this year: Trash

Collection of Factoids

Factoids will be stored in a database repository and will be mined for words.

Computer Programming

Teambuilding Exercises (
Teambuilding Exercises

May Madness