
A FIRST LEGO league team (#144) that meets at the Carnegie Free Library of Swissvale on Saturday mornings during the fall and spring seasons. Meetings are from 9:30am to 12:30pm (including a snack break). One of the tenets of Andrew Carnegie libraries is that they offer free service to the community. In keeping with that important tenet, there is no cost to participate on the RoboCatz team.

Spring 2024

Roblox Lesson on Drone Simulator (Roblox-Lesson-05.htm)
Roblox Lesson 5

Roblox Road Tracks (
Roblox Project file used for the Drone

Roblox Game (
Roblox Game 3 (created May 4th)

Roblox Game (
Roblox Game 2 (created May 4th)

Roblox Game (
Roblox Game 1 (created May 4th)

Roblox Lesson on Equations (Roblox-Lesson-04.htm)
Roblox Lesson 4

Roblox Lesson on Loops (Roblox-Lesson-03.htm)
Roblox Lesson 3

Roblox Lesson on genericShapes (Roblox-Lesson-02.htm)
Roblox Lesson 2

Roblox genericShapes (genericShapes-ModuleScript.htm)
Generic Shapes Module Script

Roblox First Program (PDF) (./documents/RobloxFirstProgram.pdf)
RoboCatz PDF Document

Lesson in Roblox Programming (./Roblox-Basics.htm)
RoboCatz website Lesson

Roblox Programming (PDF) (./documents/RobloxProgramming4.pdf)
RoboCatz PDF Document

2D and 3D Graphics Drawing

Phoenician Alphabet (
Phoenician Alphabet from Wikipedia

History of the alphabet (

Fall 2023


For the 2023 season, you will need to enroll your child onto the team through a web-based system.

Create an account at:

RoboCatz Art Museum (
An interactive art museum program from RoboCatz

FLL "Art Museum" Project 2023

Roblox Art Museum Project (/documents/
ZIP file of the Roblox Art Museum Project

Robot JavaScript

Robot Game Rule Book

2023 MasterPiece

FLL 2023 Missions

FLL 2023 Ideas B

FLL 2023 Ideas

Image of Competition Mat

Computer Art: the Graphical Expression of Algorithms

Mandelbrot Set

Science Demos (
Instructions: Move the mouse over an area and then use the scroll wheel to zoom in/out.

rust-mandelbrot (
Instructions: Drag the mouse to reposition the image. Use the scroll wheel to zoom in/out. (
Instructions: Change the color scheme from by selecting the dialog box item. Drag the mouse to form a box. When you lift the mouse button, the computer will zoom in on the area dragged.

2D and 3D Graphics Drawing

Maze Generation

Lesson (
Lessons on writing Maze Generating programs in JavaScript using the Recursive Division technique.

Lesson using 3D-Art Program (
Lessons on writing Maze Generating programs in JavaScript using the Recursive Division technique.

Recursive Division Maze Generation (
Wikipedia: Mazes can be created with recursive division, an algorithm which works as follows: Begin with the maze's space with no walls. Call this a chamber. Divide the chamber with a randomly positioned wall (or multiple walls) where each wall contains a randomly positioned passage opening within it. Then recursively repeat the process on the sub-chambers until all chambers are minimum sized. This method results in mazes with long straight walls crossing their space, making it easier to see which areas to avoid.

Cellular Automata

A cellular automaton (pl. cellular automata, abbrev. CA) is a discrete model of computation studied in automata theory. Cellular automata are also called cellular spaces, tessellation automata, homogeneous structures, cellular structures, tessellation structures, and iterative arrays.[2] Cellular automata have found application in various areas, including physics, theoretical biology and microstructure modeling.

Lesson in Cellular Automata using 2D Art Program (
Lessons on writing Cellular Automata programs in JavaScript.

Lesson in Cellular Automata using 3D Art Program (
Lessons on writing Cellular Automata programs in JavaScript.

Game of Life (
Description and Website

Rules (
Cellular Automation Rules

Cellular Seeds (
On-line Game of Life

from Wolfram (
3D Totalistic Cellular Automata

Videos (

Understanding-multiple-neighborhood-cellular-automata (
Multiple Neighborhood Rules

Lenia (
Lenia - Advanced rules for Game of Life

Demo of Lenia (
Lenia in JavaScript

Roblox Scripting

Lua Programming Language (
On-line Documentation website from the Roblox website.

Roblox Scripting (
On-line Documentation website from the Roblox website.

Roblox Tutorials (
On-line Documentation website from the Roblox website.

Roblox Programming (PDF) (./documents/RobloxProgramming4.pdf)
RoboCatz Document

Lesson in Roblox Programming (./Roblox-Basics.htm)
RoboCatz website

Recursion Using Roblox Functions (
On-line Documentation website from the Roblox Developer's forum.

Object Oriented Programming in Roblox (
On-line Documentation website from the Roblox Developer's forum.

Art Museum (artMuseum-Roblox.htm)
This page will describe how to create the Art Museum in Roblox.

Amazing Maze (
Art Museum program from RoboCatz

Spiral Staircase (spiralStaircase-Roblox.htm)
This page will describe how to create a spiral staircase in Roblox.

Extracting Data from Parts of Models (/extractingDataFromParts-Roblox.htm)
Use this script to extract data from models that you have added to your world. You can use this extracted data to copy/edit/manipulate the model and re-create it programmatically in other worlds.

2022 Challenge: Supercharged

2020 Challenge: RePlay

Web Tools

Computer Art

This is a program to teach the JavaScript computer programming language using Computer Art as the vehicle for the instruction. Students are taught basic programming skills in an easy to use development environment that shows the programs in action in real time.

JavaScript Sample Code

3-Button Menu

while(true) {
  drawText(15,30,'Press a key to')
  drawText(15,45,'  select a program')
  switch(keyPressed) {
  case 1:
    alert('You selected UP')
  case 2:
    alert('You selected ENTER')
  case 3:
    alert('You selected DOWN')

Robot Simulator

This is a program to teach the robot computer programming language used for moving the robot. This simulator does not emphasize programming. Instead, it tries to teach strategies for getting the robot to accomplish goals and missions.

RobotC Simulator

This is a program to teach the RobotC computer programming language.

Programming Exercises for RobotC

Joystick Programming (exercise-joystick-programming.htm)
This is an exercise in programming the joystick used in the May Madness competition.

Line Following Exercise (exercise-in-line-following.htm)
This is an exercise in Line Following with many examples of robotC code.

Function Overloading Exercise (exercise-in-function-overloading.htm)
This is an exercise in Function Overloading and Multi Threaded programming with many examples of robotC code.

Our season will focus on robots that talk -- about trash. We will have talking robots.

Text to Speech

Data Mining

FLL Theme for this year: Trash